It was so great to see my girls this weekend! Going to Plattsburgh (aka PlattsVegas!)for my Undergrad was the best move I could have made. I met some of my best friends the first 5 minutes I was there, and met the other half shortly thereafter! Most all of us lived on the same floor in the dorms and then eventually moved off campus together into 2 apartments within the same house. Oh how I miss 88 Broad St., and our front porch! Flip cup anyone?
No matter the distance between us, the days and weeks that sometimes pass before we can find a moment to catch up, we always fall right back into place, picking up right where we left off. Syracuse, Albany, Connecticut, NYC, Westchester Co., Seattle, wherever, we're always just an "event" apart!
Here are some of the girls with their guys...its fun to see who your friends end up with!

Tracy and Curt (Destination 2010, right?!)

Stephy and Will

Carla and Tom (Im in the wedding, July '09!!)

Suzie and Jeremy (I'm in the wedding Aug. '09!!)
Love you guys!